By Learning Who We Are, We Can Prevent Homelessness by Targeted Selection Models

Posted: December 5, 2013 by satherej in Uncategorized


In a article from the American Journal of Public Health, entitled “Efficient Targeting of Homelessness Prevention Services for Families,” Shinn, Geer et al. conclude that, “despite some limitations, an empirical risk model can increase the efficiency of homelessness prevention services.” This means that if intelligent models can help us understand how to better select those who have the determination to self-help themselves out of poverty then we can radically change the ways shelters work and submission into shelters go now.

It would be good to develop something similar to this model to attempt at our local shelters, such as the Mercy House – SELECTION of those regarded as “highest risk,” also broadens our conceptions of “homelessness” to include degrees of homelessness. That is, there are people without home, potential income, that would be considered in the “highest risk” category, while others could be considered “less home’ful’” in that they might have a home, but it could be temporary and then shortly become homeless, without income, and again in pit of misfortune.

Through better understanding who we all are as people, we can better understand and intuit other people’s position on life and listen for those who cry out with unwavering dedication to humanity for help. If you were thrust into that same situation you would suddenly want the passerby to do the good and right thing – give back, help out, reciprocate his good fortune and pay it forward.

  • Shinn, M., Greer, A. L., Bainbridge, J., Kwon, J., & Zuiderveen, S. (2013). Efficient Targeting of Homelessness Prevention Services for Families. American Journal Of Public Health, 103(S2), S324-S330. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013. 301468

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